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The Beauty of Early June

Like clockwork, the water lily has graced the pond once again in early June. This year it took a few days for the first blossom to open. We watched this incredible flower raise its bud and sink below the surface for more than one day. On June third we saw two unfurled petals, but no further opening. I was thrilled to see more progress this morning as I headed to the compost bin with the coffee grounds. Within ten minutes of excitedly calling Ian to the pond this incredible flower opened.

June 3rd

June 4th

Even the frogs were watching.

The dry shade bed keeps getting fuller with the generous amount of rain that we've received this Spring. One of my favorite ferns is the Holly fern. They look prehistoric and have performed well here. I first learned of these when I saw them on the Dinosaur trail at the Museum of Life and Science.

It was great to see a honey bee feeding on the wood sorrel (oxalis). I love these plants, but it's unusual to see pollinators use them.

Speaking of pollinators, double American Ladies are feeding on the Dark Knight butterfly bush. 10/29/22 Corrected the butterfly name from Painted Ladies to American Ladies.

The summer pollinator garden is teeming with blossoms: Black and Blue Sage, Red Bee Balm, hot pink Lipstick Sage and Echinacea. Soon Violet Queen cleomes and wild Bergamot will join the party.

Santolina, Lavender Cotton This tough plant is near the top of a bank in red clay and receives western sun. These are great plants for sunny rock gardens. The bloom period is brief, but the foliage is heat tolerant.

This hibiscus was intended to be a gift for my mother on Mother's Day until I learned that she doesn't like hibiscus. This variety is an annual, Hawaiian Punch. What a great name for this plant. The naked eye doesn't perceive the blossom like this, but look what the camera sees.

As I was walking near the lantana hedge a locust flew past. At least that's what I'm calling him. 12/31/20

This might be an American Bird grasshopper. I stumbled on a reference at Ranger Greg's blog at the Museum of Life and Science.

A gorgeous early evening moon rising on June 3rd

Look to the sky tonight as the moon is nearly full. May everyone have healing and peace during these difficult times. Rest in Peace George Floyd.

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