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Atypical January

The last few days have been humid and rainy. On Jan. 12th we reached the 70's. It's 6:00 p.m. and the temperature is around 68 degrees. It's been very pleasant, but unsettling. You can get an idea of the moisture level by looking at the beautiful, but hazy moon.

Parts of the garden look like the start of Spring due to the abnormal temperatures.

Columbines that still haven't gone dormant for the fall/winter. The flash drought stressed plants more than any cold has. I'm starting to wonder, if we will have winter.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm starting to add some plants for winter interest. I planted a few snow drops and cyclamen coum for the first time. They have appeared and I'm quite excited.

Snowdrops, galanthus hippolyta

Cyclamen coum, these are supposed to have white blossoms. I'm definitely seeing the pink petals but there is a little white showing. Either way, I'll be pleased.

I planted six bulbs but have only seen two emerge until today. There is a third one just coming up. Hopefully, all six have survived the wetness this year. I know that sounds contrary to the flash drought reference.The weather has been unusual: very wet Spring and Summer, to a short drought in the Fall and back to wet.

As you would expect the hellebores are starting to open. I have a new favorite, Winter Bliss.

This photo shows the Merlin hellebores starting to open. This is in fairly deep shade. The Merlins next door that have more sun exposure are fully open.

Here's a few more photos of plants that must think it's Spring.

Oregano in the herb bed

Verbena bonariensis

Ajuga, Black Scallop

We started the day with gray skies and ended with a cerulean sky.

Silhouettes of cedar waxwings in the Silver maple tree next door.

This guy appears to have a bud in his beak.

Just a few hours later, brilliant sunshine. Unfortunately, the camera battery needed charging at this point. To see some much better photos of Cedar Waxwings check out this link from a Feb. 2018 post.

I ended the day outside gazing at Venus. Have a good evening.

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