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Early Feb. 2019 in the Garden

February the 1st is the start of Celtic Spring, Imbolc. Meteorological Spring begins March 1st for the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Perhaps, best known is the astronomical start of Spring for the Northern Hemisphere, March 20th, 2019.

I'll go with February first judging by the buds and shoots emerging in the garden. We have had a mild winter again. The color brown is still prominent, but there are signs of life. Tomorrow, Feb. 7th, we might beat a heat record high of 78 degrees. I have included a photo of bluebirds from Julie in Ft. Wayne, IN. They suffered thru the brutality of the 2019 winter storm, Jaden. Amazingly, her heated bird bath is working in sub-zero temperatures. The photo was taken Jan. 30th. from inside. (Good idea, Julie!) The other photos were taken in Durham in Feb.

Royal Star Magnolia

Bluebirds in Ft. Wayne

Winter Bliss Hellebore

Self Seeded Hellebore

The Mother plant

Carolina Wren on a grey day

Eastern Bluebird

Fantastic Sunset

Just stunning!

Merlin Hellebore

Yellow pincushion flower bud

English Blue Bell

Tea Olive in blossom

Winter Bliss Hellebore starting to open

Self seeded Hellebore from the purple mother plant.

Echinacea which hasn't died back this winter.

Waxing Crescent Moon around 6:20 p.m., Feb. 6th.

Just a few more weeks and we should see full blown Spring!


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