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Solstice Calm and a Little Merriment

It's been another unusual weather day, but gorgeous! A high of 64 degrees, wind, clouds, rain and even a rainbow. It's been a weird few days for the Western world too, Gatwick closed for drones and the US stock exchange in shambles. I have a solution for the drone problem. Send in the Eagles. The Netherlands and France could loan them to the UK for a few days. Maybe, it will mitigate the Brexit strife. Regarding our markets, ride it out. Surely, this is temporary. I'm ready for some peace.

Solstice rolled into Durham at 5:22 p.m. This evening I lit candles and paused for reflection with YouTube videos: Yoga Winter Solstice Meditation and Bealtaine Cottage. My sister Annette is starting her Christmas vacation. I invited her over for an impromptu glass of Prosecco and Spinach/Broccoli blintzes. They were frozen, but delicious. I like to celebrate the holidays with Mediaeval Babe's as a musical backdrop: Mistletoe and Wine and Of Kings and Angels.

Ian was happy to sit down for awhile with us. He's been redecorating the kitchen. I plan on sharing some photos soon.

The Neon spirea still has it's autumn color.

The echinaceas are being fooled by this warm weather.

Oxalis by the chimney

The living room mantel.

The clouds have hidden the moon tonight, so I've taken a photo of this beautiful quartz stone and parsley at night.

Christmas decorations with my faithful Himalayan salt candle.

Crystal Nativity and Christmas cards with art from the Glastonbury Abby gift store.

May Winter Solstice bring you peace and happiness!

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