Mid-Autumn 2018
We've had some idyllic days in Durham this week. These photos were taken Oct. 31st thru Nov. 8th.
My sister, Annette took a beautiful photo on the rooftop garage by her workplace in the old Liggett & Myer's area (adjacent to West Village). We are enjoying our brief Indian Summer now. It's predicted to be in the 40's soon.

Another double duty plant- Red Hibiscus.

The great weather is fooling some plants. They think it's Spring.

Hellebore with new growth. Normally, I see this in late winter.

Kanjiro camellia from Cheryl S. This plant is already producing flowers.
It's very small, about 13 inches and has six flower buds already.

Moon Shadow camellia. Could this finally be a flower bud? I've had this bush for five autumns. It's growing, but not producing flowers. It's only three or four feet away from the Kanjiro camellia.

Yuletide Camellia. The pollinators love this. Check out the small bee gathering pollen in November. I didn't see him when I was taking the photo.

The forsythia is starting it's autumnal change.

Variegated Fritillary on the passion vine, Oct. 31. I hope they can over winter.

I will have to cull some of the passion vines next year. This "fruit" will pop and spread many seeds. The nickname of this plant is May Pop.

The White shamrocks are also acting like it is Spring.

The Needle point Holly is starting to form it's future red berries.

My wreath adorned with plants from the garden.

Warbler in the butterfly bush. I'm not sure what kind of warbler he is. The bill and body shape tells me it's not a gold finch. Update 1/16/2022- This is a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. I spotted one today with the red spot on his head. Now, I can add a new bird to my inventory. Participating in Great Backyard Bird Counts has really increased my knowledge of bird identification.

The longest blooming salvia ever! This is Moody Blues Pink in early November. 6 23 2019 My mistake, this is a Veronica not a salvia. I just noticed the error.

Re-seeding pink salvia. It changes to this lovely salmon color when it's cool.

I've planted snapdragons in the hopes that we will have our predicted mild winter. They behave a lot like pansies.

The yellow begonias have loved our wet and mild weather.

Berries on the Eleanor Tabor Hawthorn bush.

Early Amethyst Beauty Berry bushes are changing to chartreuse.

This white azalea is not a re-blooming variety. I hope that it will still produce blossoms in the Spring.

The purple oxalis is thriving in the moisture and coolness.

Normally, the Heavenly Blue morning glory is at peak in September.
This photo was taken in early November.

My garden stalwarts, a butterfly bush and Black and Blue sage/salvia.

It's been an unusually wet late Summer/Early Fall but we are loving it at the moment!