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Florence Comes to Northgate Park

As everyone knows the Southeastern part of North Carolina has suffered devastating flooding. Donations, physical help and prayers are needed. Here in the northern part of the Piedmont we have been relatively unscathed. This morning we woke to flash flood and tornado warnings. Late night Sept. 16 our neighborhood had steady to heavy rain. As of 10:00 a.m. Sept. 17th we had a total of five inches. It's still raining as of 10:52 a.m. The Florence rain bands brought us about eight inches of rain in total. When it rains, it pours. These are photos of the low lying area in our neighborhood. Ellerbe Creek runs through Northgate Park. Some homes are used to water sitting in the front yard and coming into the crawl space after an intense rain event. This level of flooding is similar to what I remember when Hurricane Fran came in 1996. Ian took these photos. My camera is malfunctioning. It's time to get a new one.

As I write this, 10:58 a.m., I see beautiful Carolina blue sky peeking through the clouds.

Northgate Park

Water flooding into the park.

Parkview Baptist church across the street from the park.

One of my favorite gardens in the neighborhood.

The section which really got hit. There's a street under this water. The object at the far end is a camper that was moved into the street by the water.

The Happy Cottage is ready for Florence to loosen her grip on North Carolina and South Carolina!

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