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A Bitter January 2018

As of Jan. 11th Durham County is still in Moderate Drought Status. Like most of the country we are experiencing a run of record lows with some snow and ice. A kind neighbor reminded our neighborhood listserv that "Birds Need Water" during this rough spell. Most water sources have been frozen. I have been filling our homemade bird bath which is a small terracotta pot bottom and an upside down flower pot.

White throated sparrow

Most days our garden pond has had water available, but the birds prefer our homemade birdbath as it is easier to access. This big guy (crow) was checking out the pond yesterday.

Crow at the pond

Jan. 14th we had a much needed reprieve from the freezing temps. I didn't get a photo, but a Robin found an earthworm on our driveway. Ah, a beautiful reminder that Spring really is coming. But wait, snow is forecast to arrive between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. tonight!

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