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Searching for Purple Foliage?

I have plenty of green in my yard, but not enough purple foliage. I tried Chinese Fringe tree (bush) or loropetalum a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't make it. This was partially my fault. It was planted in summer in a dry spot. I stumbled upon a dwarf crape myrtle named Midnight Magic at Home Depot a few weeks ago. I delayed purchasing this plant, but finally decided it was worth trying. The real issue was siting. I have found a home for the crape myrtle in the front garden beside the big white butterfly bush. This bush maxes out at 4 to 6 feet in height and width. The blooms are what I call hot pink.

Midnight Magic Crape Myrtle

The Heavenly Blue morning glories on the corner of the house should provide a nice accent against this deep foliage. Like gardeners do, I'm already dreaming of next year's season. The bush needs to grow a little taller to see the two together.

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory with Pink Dogwood in the background.

We had an overcast day Nov. 6th. The older flowers look like they didn't close. Hence the lovely pink blossoms. This year the lack of rain in September delayed the bloom on our vines.

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