First Bouquet of the Season
I'm typically reluctant to bring my flowers indoors, but a heavy rain storm broke a stem of my favorite home grown hybrid echinacea.
One flower led to another and now I have a small bouquet. In the vein of one thing leading to another....... Here's a group of dining room photos.
The bouquet- echinacea, buddleia, yarrow, and Russian Sage

The dining room (really more like a nook). That's 1945 for you.

Wall art- These are postcards from Glastonbury, UK. Hare imagery is very popular in the UK. The frames are from reclaimed barnwood, purchased at Parker and Otis. Please forgive the angles. I was trying to avoid my reflection in the photo.

Why stop now? A friend from work gifted me this beautiful plant. I wish I knew the name of it. It lived in very dim office light and is thriving here. It's been in the dining room for seven years.

View of the pot and plant

"Plain Tin" wool rug is from Annie Selke.