Spring Stirrings, Imbolc

The Gaelic tradition of Imbolc or Saint Brigid's Day marks the halfway point between Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox around Feb. 1st. We have an expected high of 65 degrees today! I'm looking for signs of growth in the garden. Flora and fauna assure me that Spring isn't too far away. The hydrangeas are budding, Spanish blue bells, daffodils, and irises are peeking out. Even the paper bush has some blossoms starting to open. Standing close I can smell the honey scent. My cool weather herbs are looking fresh. The gold finches are starting to turn yellow again. Though, I'm still seeing plenty of dark eyed juncos to remind me that Spring isn't here yet.
Inspiration for this post came from an Irish blog: Bealtaine Cottage .
I almost forgot Groundhog day tomorrow. We are forecast for clouds. Fingers crossed he doesn't see his shadow! Update 2/2/17- Good news- Raleigh's Sir Walter Wally didn't see his shadow.